SOAK 2024 sUAS (Drone) Policy


Precipitation Northwest regulates all sUAS aircraft (fixed wing planes, helicopters, multicopters aka “drones”) and requires that they be operated responsibly, and subject to restrictions and other rules of operation. Precipitation Northwest is committed to creating rules and recommendations based upon the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) safety code. The goal is for sUAS activity to proceed in the safest manner possible, while also respecting the privacy rights of participants. 

All sUAS operators must register and follow all policies, rules, restrictions and conditions stated in this document and communicated at the Event in the safety briefing. Failure to comply can lead to confiscation of the aircraft, BLM fines, and/or removal from the Event. 

Restrictions include, but are not limited to: 

1. Flying sufficient distance away from people (densely populated camping, theme camps, etc.);  

2. Areas with low noise tolerance (in particular around the Temple or other sensitive areas, including Burns). 

3. Avoid flying near spectators to the extent that is practically possible.

4. Flying no higher than 400 feet above ground level. 

Rules of Operation 

  1. All drone pilots must have an FAA Part 107 certification. 

  2. Only visual line of sight flying per FAA; no long distance flying. 

  3. No First Person View flying (flying based upon video stream not direct sight). PNW may issue exceptions on a case by case basis.

  4. Secure a safe place to take off, land, and emergency land. 

  5. Fly when possible, with a spotter to help control of on-lookers, etc. 

  6. 100 feet horizontal separation away from EMS, Police and Fire Department vehicles

  7. 100 feet horizontal separation away from work crews. 

  8. 100 feet horizontal separation away from all ground vehicles, artwork, sculptures, guidewires.

  9. Avoid flying over or close to people; AMA recommendations are horizontal separation of at least 25 feet. 

  10. No operating sUAS aircraft while under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, or within 8 hours of consumption of any alcoholic beverage. There is no safe amount of alcohol for operating a remote aircraft: FAA regulations permit a BAC (Blood Alcohol Level) no higher than 0.04% BAC.

  11. No amplified systems (for example, Dragonlink). 

  12. If a pilot is acting in an unsafe manner SOAK Rangers, Event Producers, and/or Precipitation Northwest Board members have the authority to confiscate the controller/transmitter for the duration of the Event.

  13. If a crashed craft is found it will be transferred to the Production team and held for the duration of the Event. 

  14. Aircraft confiscated for flying unsafely, recklessly, or in violation of these rules, will be held by the Production team for the duration of the Event. 

  15. Maximum altitude allowed per FAA is 400 feet above ground level (AGL).

  16. Remain well clear of and do not interfere with manned aircraft operations. Operators must watch for and avoid other aircraft and obstacles at all times.

Flying Prohibited During The Following Conditions: 

  1. During strong winds or rain.

  2. Reduced Visibility (Fog, etc).

  3. Flights at night unless equipped with adequate lighting for visibility, including a white flashing strobe mounted to the top of the aircraft that is visible for 3 statute miles (SM) per FAA regulations.

Flying Prohibited At The Following Locations and Times 

  1. Central Services.

  2. Inside the MBS and Temple safety ring.

  3. The MBS after it closes for pyrotechnical set-up on Saturday afternoon until midnight.

  4. The Temple after it closes on Sunday afternoon until midnight. 

  5. Large Burns, Temple Burn and MBS Burn. Flight will be prohibited within 100 yards of the perimeter established for the burn. 

Other Conditions 

Please be aware that there are other rules and laws that may affect operations of an sUAS aircraft. For example, using an sUAS aircraft to photograph or videotape someone without their permission or for commercial purposes is not authorized under SOAK’s Ticket Terms and Conditions. Some people are particularly sensitive to privacy concerns in regards to sUAS, and all efforts should be taken to avoid taking photos or videos in which individuals could be personally identified without first obtaining permission.

Intentionally or negligently injuring persons or property with an sUAS aircraft could lead to criminal assault and or battery charges. Be mindful of all laws, rules and regulations when operating an sUAS aircraft, and use common sense. If sUAS aircraft are operated unsafely then they will be subject to further regulation and restrictions in the future.


  • Registration is mandatory and must be completed in advance; registration will be limited. A completed registration includes a printed copy of the approval email from SOAK.

  • Event briefing, printed approval email, and aircraft registration is required. 

Briefing and on-site check-in of those registered will take place at Central Services from 12:00 PM - 1:00 on Wednesday and Thursday. Bring your approval email and any aircraft you plan on flying at the event.  Other times may be available by appointment if arranged in advance. 

  • Registration constitutes operator’s agreement to abide by all policies and rules and to be financially responsible for any harm or damage the pilot or sUAS aircraft/drone may cause during the Event. 

  • SOAK has the right to confiscate sUAS aircraft/drone found to be in violation of any PNW, FAA, or AMA policy, rules or guidelines.

    Additional information:

    All operators must carry liability insurance of at least $1,000,000 for any injuries or damage caused by the UAV. Satisfactory coverage can be obtained through or any number of other agencies. Please bring proof of insurance with you.

Don’t be intrusive or obnoxious. Coordinate with other operators to minimize the number of UAVs in the air at any given time, and avoid flying near gatherings which have a sense of solemnity or quiet. All operators must comply with requests from Rangers or SOAK Staff Members to avoid particular areas or cease operation.

To register to fly a sUAS at SOAK, please fill out the google form at the following link:
Register to Fly sUAS at SOAK.

Registration is not approved until you receive an approval email from SOAK. You will need to print and bring this email with you, and have it on you at all times while operating the sUAS. If asked, you will need to be able to provide it to any Ranger or staff member upon request. Failure to produce this email may result in the sUAS being confiscated for the duration of the Event.

Contact Information: 

1. SOAK Website information:

2. PNW Drone Contact:


  • Skywatch Drone Insurance:

  • Academy of Model Aeronautics Safety Code: 

  • Remote Control Aerial Photography Association RCAPA Recommended Operational Guidelines

  • FAA Part 107 UAS pilot certification information: